SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements

Support for server-side prepared statements was added in MySQL 4.1. This support takes advantage of the efficient client/server binary protocol, provided that you use an appropriate client programming interface. Candidate interfaces include the MySQL C API client library (for C programs) or MySQL Connector/J (for Java programs). For example, the C API provides a set of function calls that make up its prepared statement API. See the section called “C API Prepared Statements”. Other language interfaces can provide support for prepared statements that use the binary protocol by linking in the C client library. (The mysqli extension in PHP 5.0 does this, for example.)

Beginning with MySQL 4.1.3, an alternative interface to prepared statements is available: SQL syntax for prepared statements. This interface is not as efficient as using the binary protocol through a prepared statement API, but requires no programming because it is available directly at the SQL level:

SQL syntax for prepared statements is intended to be used for situations such as these:

SQL syntax for prepared statements is based on three SQL statements:

PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt;

EXECUTE stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...];


The PREPARE statement prepares a statement and assigns it a name, stmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later. preparable_stmt is either a string literal or a user variable that contains the text of the statement. The text must represent a single SQL statement, not multiple statements. Within the statement, ‘?’ characters can be used as parameter markers to indicate where data values are to be bound to the query later when you execute it. The ‘?’ characters should not be enclosed within quotes, even if you intend to bind them to string values.

If a prepared statement already exists with the same name, it is deallocated implicitly before the new statement is prepared. This means that if the new statement contains an error and cannot be prepared, an error is returned and no statement with the given name will exist.

The scope of a prepared statement is the client session within which it is created. Other clients cannot see it.

After preparing a statement, you execute it with an EXECUTE statement that refers to the prepared statement name. If the prepared statement contains any parameter markers, you must supply a USING clause that lists user variables containing the values to be bound to the parameters. Parameter values can be supplied only by user variables, and the USING clause must name exactly as many variables as the number of parameter markers in the statement.

You can execute a given prepared statement multiple times, passing it different variables or setting the variables to different values before each execution.

To deallocate a prepared statement, use the DEALLOCATE PREPARE statement. Attempting to execute a prepared statement after deallocating it results in an error.

If you terminate a client session without deallocating a previously prepared statement, the server deallocates it automatically.

The following examples show two equivalent ways of preparing a statement that computes the hypotenuse of a triangle given the lengths of the two sides.

The first example shows how to create a prepared statment by using a string literal to supply the text of the statement:

mysql> PREPARE stmt1 FROM 'SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse';
mysql> SET @a = 3;
mysql> SET @b = 4;
mysql> EXECUTE stmt1 USING @a, @b;
| hypotenuse |
|          5 |

The second example is similar, but supplies the text of the statement with a user variable:

mysql> SET @s = 'SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse';
mysql> PREPARE stmt2 FROM @s;
mysql> SET @a = 6;
mysql> SET @b = 8;
mysql> EXECUTE stmt2 USING @a, @b;
| hypotenuse |
|         10 |

SQL syntax for prepared statements cannot be used in nested fashion. That is, a statement passed to PREPARE cannot itself be a PREPARE, EXECUTE, or DEALLOCATE PREPARE statement.

Also, SQL syntax for prepared statements is distinct from using prepared statement API calls. For example, you cannot use the mysql_stmt_prepare() C API function to prepare a PREPARE, EXECUTE, or DEALLOCATE PREPARE statement.