Contents Index Step 1: Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere database server Step 3: Start Interactive SQL

ASA Getting Started
   Adaptive Server Anywhere Quick Start

Step 2: Start Sybase Central

In this section you start Sybase Central, the graphical database administration tool. These instructions assume that you have carried out the instructions in Step 1: Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere database server.

To start Sybase Central and connect to the sample database (Windows)

  1. Choose Start > Programs > SQL Anywhere 9 > Sybase Central.

  2. Connect to the sample database.

To start Sybase Central and connect to the sample database (Command line)

  1. At a command prompt, type the following command:


    The main Sybase Central window appears.

  2. Connect to the sample database.

You can now explore the tables and other objects in the sample database.

With Sybase Central you can carry out many database administration tasks, including creating databases, backing up databases, creating tables and other database objects, and modifying data in database tables.

For a tour of Sybase Central, see Tutorial: Managing Databases with Sybase Central.

Contents Index Step 1: Start the Adaptive Server Anywhere database server Step 3: Start Interactive SQL