Contents Index About this chapter Viewing the structure of the sample database using Sybase Central

ASA Getting Started
  Designing and Building Your Database

The sample database

There is a sample database included with Adaptive Server Anywhere. Many of the examples throughout the documentation use this sample database.

The sample database represents a small company that makes a limited range of sports clothing. It contains internal information about the company (employees, departments, and financial data), as well as product information (products) and sales information (sales orders, customers, and contacts). All information in the sample database is fictional.

The following figure displays the tables in the sample database and how they are related to each other. The boxes represent tables, and the arrows represent foreign key relationships. Primary key columns are underlined.

We will use this database to illustrate the concepts described in this chapter.

The sample database schema.

Viewing the structure of the sample database using Sybase Central

Contents Index About this chapter Viewing the structure of the sample database using Sybase Central