Contents Index About this chapter Interactive SQL main window description

ASA Getting Started
  Using Interactive SQL

Starting Interactive SQL

You can start Interactive SQL in two ways: from Sybase Central or on its own. The way that you start Interactive SQL on its own depends on your operating system.

For detailed information on connecting to databases, see Connecting to a Database.

To start Interactive SQL from Sybase Central

  1. To start Interactive SQL, right-click a database in Sybase Central and choose File > Open Interactive SQL.

    In this case Interactive SQL automatically connects to the database.


  2. To start Interactive SQL without a connection to a database, choose Tools > Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 > Open Interactive SQL.

    The Connect dialog appears.

To start Interactive SQL (Command line)

  1. On Windows, choose Start > Programs > SQL Anywhere 9 > Adaptive Server Anywhere > Interactive SQL. The Connect dialog appears.


    Type the following at a command prompt:


    The Connect dialog appears.

  2. Enter the required information to connect to a database and click OK to connect.

Interactive SQL main window description
Using the Interactive SQL toolbar
Opening multiple windows
Interactive SQL keyboard shortcuts

Contents Index About this chapter Interactive SQL main window description