Contents Index Using Interactive SQL to display data Editing table values from the Interactive SQL result set

ASA Getting Started
  Using Interactive SQL
    Using Interactive SQL to display data

Editing table values in Interactive SQL

Once you execute a query in Interactive SQL, you can edit the result set to modify the database. You can also select rows from the result set and copy them for use in other applications. Interactive SQL supports editing, inserting, and deleting rows. These actions have the same effect as executing UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements.

To edit a row or value in the result set, you must have the proper permissions on the table or column you want to modify values from. For example, if you want to delete a row, then you must have DELETE permission for the table the row belongs to.

Editing the result set may fail if you:

When editing fails, an Interactive SQL error message appears explaining the error, and the database table values remain unchanged.

Once you make changes to table values, you must enter a COMMIT statement to make the changes permanent. If you want to undo your changes, you must execute a ROLLBACK statement.

For more information, see COMMIT statement and ROLLBACK statement.

Editing table values from the Interactive SQL result set
Inserting rows into the database from the Interactive SQL result set
Deleting rows from the database using Interactive SQL

Contents Index Using Interactive SQL to display data Editing table values from the Interactive SQL result set