Contents Index Executing multiple statements Printing SQL statements

ASA Getting Started
  Using Interactive SQL
    Working with SQL statements in Interactive SQL

Looking up tables, columns, and procedures

While you are entering commands in Interactive SQL, you can look up the names of tables, columns, or procedures stored in the current database and insert them at your cursor position.

To look up the names of tables in the database

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Table Name or press F7.

  2. Find and select the table.

  3. Click OK to insert the table name into the SQL Statements pane at the current cursor position.

To look up column names in the database

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Table Name or press F7.

  2. Find and select the table containing the column.

  3. Click Show Columns.

  4. Select the column and click OK to insert the column name into the SQL Statements pane at the current cursor position.

To look up the names of procedures in the database

  1. Choose Tools > Lookup Procedure Name or press F8.

  2. Find and select the procedure.

  3. Click OK to insert the procedure name into the SQL Statements pane at the current cursor position.

In the tables and procedures lookup dialogs, you can enter the first few characters of the table or procedure you are looking for. After you type something in the field, the dialog narrows the list to include only those items that start with the text you entered.

You can use the SQL wildcard characters '%' (percent sign) and '_' (underscore) to help narrow your search. '%' matches any string of zero or more characters, while '_' matches any one character.

For example, to list all the tables that contain the word profile, type %profile%.

If you want to search for a percent sign or underscore within a table name, you must prefix the percent sign or underscore with an escape character. The escape character depends on the JDBC driver that you are using. If you are connected via jConnect, the escape character is '\' (backslash) while the escape character for the iAnywhere JDBC driver is '~' (tilde).

Contents Index Executing multiple statements Printing SQL statements