ASA Database Administration Guide
Running the Database Server
Running the server outside the current session
Configuring services
The Configuration tab of the Service property sheet provides a Parameters text box for specifying options for a service. Do not type the name of the program executable in this box.
To start a network server service running two databases, with a cache size of 20 Mb, and with a name of my_server, you would type the following in the Parameters box:
-c 20M -n my_server c:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\db_1.db c:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\db_2.db
To start a SQL Remote Message Agent service, connecting to the sample database as user ID DBA, you would type the following:
-c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;dbn=asademo"
The following figure illustrates a sample property sheet.
The options for a service are the same as those for the executable. For a full description of the options for each program, see The Database Server.