Contents Index Debugging network communications startup problems Create a debug logfile

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Running the Database Server
    Troubleshooting server startup

Make sure you're using the right asasrv.ini file

If you are having problems establishing a connection to the correct server across a network, try deleting the asasrv.ini file. This file contains server information, including server name, protocol and address. It is possible that the server information in this file is overriding information you specified in the connection string. Deleting this file causes Adaptive Server Anywhere to create a new asasrv.ini file containing the information you specify in the connection string. The asasrv.ini file should be located in your Adaptive Server Anywhere executable directory (the same directory as the ODBC/ DBLib DLL).

If you continue to experience problems establishing a connection, you should also delete any copy of asasrv.ini located in any of the following places:

Contents Index Debugging network communications startup problems Create a debug logfile