Contents Index Connecting to a Database How connection parameters work

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connecting to a Database

Introduction to connections

Any client application that uses a database must establish a connection to that database before any work can be done. The connection forms a channel through which all activity from the client application takes place. For example, your user ID determines permissions to carry out actions on the database—and the database server has your user ID because it is part of the request to establish a connection.

How connections are established 

To establish a connection, the client application calls functions in one of the Adaptive Server Anywhere interfaces. Adaptive Server Anywhere provides the following interfaces:

The interface uses connection information included in the call from the client application, perhaps together with information held on disk in a file data source, to locate and connect to a server running the required database. The following figure is a simplified representation of the pieces involved.

A client connection to a database, showing the client application, the interface library, and the database server running the database.
What to read 

The following table identifies where you can find answers to questions.

If you want... Consider reading...
An overview of connecting from Sybase Central or Interactive SQL (including a description of the drivers involved) Connecting from Sybase Central or Interactive SQL
Some examples to get started quickly, including Sybase Central and Interactive SQL scenarios Simple connection examples
To learn about data sources Working with ODBC data sources
To learn what connection parameters are available Connection parameters
To see an in-depth description of how connections are established Troubleshooting connections
To learn about network-specific connection issues Client/Server Communications
To learn about character set issues affecting connections Connection strings and character sets

How connection parameters work
Connection parameters passed as connection strings
Saving connection parameters in ODBC data sources

Contents Index Connecting to a Database How connection parameters work