Contents Index ODBC tab Database tab

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connecting to a Database
    Working with ODBC data sources
      Configuring ODBC data sources using the ODBC Administrator

Login tab

This tab provides fields related to user authentication and logins.

Use integrated login    Connects using an integrated login. The user ID and password do not need to be specified: instead, your operating system user id and password are supplied to the Adaptive Server Anywhere integrated login mechanism.

To use this type of login users must have been granted integrated login permission. The database being connected to must also be set up to accept integrated logins. Only users with DBA access may administer integrated login permissions.

For more information, see Using integrated logins.

User ID    Provides a place for you to type the user ID for the connection.

For more information, see Userid connection parameter [UID].

Password    Provides a place for you to type the password for the connection.

For more information, see Password connection parameter [PWD].

Encrypt password    Check this box if you want the password to be stored in encrypted form in the profile.

For more information, see EncryptedPassword connection parameter [ENP].

Contents Index ODBC tab Database tab