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ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connecting to a Database
    Working with ODBC data sources
      Configuring ODBC data sources using the ODBC Administrator

Network tab

This tab provides fields for controlling client/server communications over a network.

Select the network protocols and options    These checkboxes specify what protocol or protocols the ODBC DSN uses to access a network database server. In the adjacent boxes, you may enter communication parameters that establish and tune connections from your client application to a database.

For more information, see CommLinks connection parameter [LINKS], and Network communications parameters.

Liveness timeout    A liveness packet is sent across a client/server to confirm that a connection is intact. If the client runs for the liveness timeout period without detecting a liveness packet, the communication will be severed. This parameter works only with the network server and TCP/IP and SPX communications protocols. The default is 120 seconds.

For more information, see LivenessTimeout connection parameter [LTO].

Idle timeout    Set the amount of client idle time before the connection is terminated. If a client runs for the idle timeout period without submitting a request, the connection is severed.

The default client idle time is 240 minutes.

For more information, see Idle connection parameter [IDLE].

Buffer size    Sets the maximum size of communication packets, in bytes. The default buffer size is 1460.

For more information, see CommBufferSize connection parameter [CBSIZE].

Compress network packets    Sets compression for the connection. Using compression for a connection can significantly improve Adaptive Server Anywhere performance under some circumstances.

For more information, see Compress connection parameter [COMP].

Select the method for encryption of network packets    Allows the encryption of packets transmitted from the client machine over the network.

For more information, see Encryption connection parameter [ENC].

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