Contents Index Using ODBC data sources on Windows CE Using ActiveSync 3.0 and a serial cable

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connecting to a Database

Connecting from desktop applications to a Windows CE database

You can connect from applications running on a desktop PC, such as Sybase Central or Interactive SQL, to a database server running on a Windows CE device. The connection uses TCP/IP over the ActiveSync link between the desktop machine and the Windows CE device.

If you are using an Ethernet connection between your desktop machine and the Windows CE device, or if you are using Windows CE Services 2.2, the following procedure works. If you are using a serial cable connection and ActiveSync 3.0, see the following section.

To connect from a desktop application to a Windows CE database server

  1. Determine the IP address of the server. Start the server on the Windows CE device with the -z option (output extra debug information).

    For example:

    dbsrv9 -z -x tcpip -n TestServer asademo.db

    With the -z option, the server writes out its IP address during startup. The address may change if you disconnect your HPC from the network and then re-connect it.

    To change between static and dynamic IP assignment for the HPC, configure the settings in the Windows Control Panel. Open Network, and choose the Services tab. Select Remote Access Service and click Properties > Network > TCP/IP Configuration.

  2. Create an ODBC profile on your desktop machine.

    Open the ODBC Administrator, and click Add. Choose Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 from the list of drivers and click Finish. The ODBC Configuration for Adaptive Server Anywhere dialog appears.

  3. Exit the ODBC Administrator.

  4. Ensure the database server is running on your Windows CE machine.

  5. On your desktop machine, start an application such as Interactive SQL and select the ODBC data source you have created. The application connects to the Windows CE database.

Using ActiveSync 3.0 and a serial cable

Contents Index Using ODBC data sources on Windows CE Using ActiveSync 3.0 and a serial cable