Contents Index Creating an integrated login Connecting from a client application

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connecting to a Database
    Using integrated logins
      Using integrated logins

Revoking integrated login permission

You can remove an integrated login mapping using either Sybase Central or Interactive SQL.

To revoke an integrated login permission (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to a database with DBA authority.

  2. Open the Integrated Logins folder.

  3. In the right pane, right-click the user/group you would like to remove the integrated login permission from and choose Delete from the popup menu.

To revoke an integrated login permission (SQL)

  1. Connect to a database with DBA authority.

  2. Execute a REVOKE INTEGRATED LOGIN FROM statement.


The following SQL statement removes integrated login permission from the Windows NT user pchin.

FROM pchin

For more information, see the GRANT statement.

Contents Index Creating an integrated login Connecting from a client application