Contents Index Database server options @filename server option

ASA Database Administration Guide
  The Database Server
    The database server
      Database server options

@environment-variable server option


Read in server options from the supplied environment variable.


dbsrv9 | dbeng9 } @env-var ...

Applies to 

All operating systems and servers.


The environment variable may contain any set of options. For example, this statement (typed all on one line) sets an environment variable that holds options for a database server that starts with a cache size of 4 Mb and loads the sample database.

set envvar=-c 4096 "c:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\asademo.db"

This statement starts the database server using the environment variable.

dbsrv9 @envvar
Environment variable given priority 
If you have both a file and an environment variable with the value of your @ option, the environment variable is used.

Contents Index Database server options @filename server option