Contents Index DLL communication parameter ExtendedName communication parameter [ENAME]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connection and Communication Parameters
    Network communications parameters

DoBroadcast communication parameter [DOBROAD]


TCP/IP (all platforms)

SPX (all platforms except UNIX and CE)


ALL, NONE, DIRECT (Client side)

YES, NO (Server side)




Client usage    With DoBroadcast=ALL (formerly DoBroadcast=YES) a broadcast is performed to search for a server. The broadcast goes first to the local subnet. If HOST= is specified, broadcast packets are also sent to each of the hosts. For TCP, all broadcast packets are UDP packets. For SPX, the broadcast is only performed if the server is not found in the bindery. For SPX, all broadcast packets are IPX packets.

With DoBroadcast=DIRECT (formerly DoBroadcast=NO), no broadcast is performed to the local subnet to search for a database server. Broadcast packets are sent only to the hosts listed in the HOST (IP) communication parameter. If you specify DoBroadcast=DIRECT, the HOST (IP) communication parameter is required.

Specifying DoBroadcast=NONE causes no UDP or IPX broadcasts to be used. A TCP/IP or SPX connection is made directly with the HOST/PORT specified, and the engine name is verified. With TCP/IP, you can choose not to verify the engine name by setting the VerifyServerName (VERIFY) communication parameter to NO. The HOST (IP) communication parameter is a required parameter, while the ServerPort (PORT) communication parameter is optional.

For DIRECT and NONE, you must specify the server host with the HOST option.

Server usage    Setting DoBroadcast=NO prevents the database server from broadcasting to find other servers with the same name. This is useful in certain rare circumstances, but it is not generally recommended.


Contents Index DLL communication parameter ExtendedName communication parameter [ENAME]