ASA Database Administration Guide
Connection and Communication Parameters
Network communications parameters
The LocalOnly (LOCAL) communication parameter allows a client to choose to connect only to a server on the local machine, if one exists. If no server with the matching engine name is found on the local machine, a server will not be autostarted.
The LocalOnly (LOCAL) communication parameter is only useful if DoBroadcast=ALL
(the default)
uses the regular broadcast mechanism, except that broadcast responses from servers on other machines are ignored.
You can use the LocalOnly [LOCAL) communication parameter with the server to restrict connections to the local machine. Connection attempts from remote machines will not find this server, and the Locate [dblocate] utility will not see this server. Running a server with the LocalOnly [LOCAL) communication parameter set to YES allows the network server to run as a personal server without experiencing connection or CPU limits.
Broadcast communication parameter [BCAST]