Contents Index Using the Built-in Web Server Quick start

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Using the Built-in Web Server

About web services

When started with HTTP or HTTPS services enabled, Adaptive Server Anywhere acts much like a traditional web server, except that all requests are processed using web services defined within a database. GET, HEAD, and POST methods are supported.

Web services are stored within the database. The collection of web services within your database together define the available URIs. Each service provides a set of web pages. Typically, the content of these pages is generated by procedures that you write and store in your database, although they can be a single statement or, optionally, allow the users to provide statements of their own.

You can customize the properties of web services using optional attributes to the statements that permit you to create and alter web services. For example, you can control who can use a web service by several means:

Standard SOAP requests are also supported.

Contents Index Using the Built-in Web Server Quick start