Contents Index Automatic character-set conversion File Locations and Installation Settings

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Using the Built-in Web Server


When web service requests fail, the database server generates standard errors that appear in your browser. These errors are assigned numbers consistent with the protocol standards.

The following are some of the more typical errors that you may encounter:

Number Name Description
400 Bad Request The HTTP request is incomplete or malformed.
401 Authorization Required Authorization is required to use the service, but a valid user name and password were not supplied.
403 Forbidden You do not have permission to access the database.
404 Not Found The named database is not running on the server, or the named web service does not exist.
408 Request Timeout The maximum connection idle time was exceeded while receiving the request.
413 Entity Too Large The request exceeds the maximum permitted size.
414 URI Too Large The length of the URI exceeds the maximum allowed length.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred. The request could not be processed.
501 Not Implemented The HTTP request method is not GET, HEAD, or POST.
503 Service Unavailable The number of connections exceeds the allowed maximum.

Contents Index Automatic character-set conversion File Locations and Installation Settings