Contents Index File Locations and Installation Settings How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files

ASA Database Administration Guide
  File Locations and Installation Settings

Installation directory structure

When you install Adaptive Server Anywhere, several directories may be created. Some of the files in these directories are essential, and others are not. This section describes the directory structure.

Adaptive Server Anywhere software, whether you receive it as a product or bundled as part of another product, is installed under a single installation directory. The tools provided with the Adaptive Server Anywhere product, however, are installed in other directories. This section describes only the installation directory structure for Adaptive Server Anywhere itself.

The Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory 

The Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory itself holds several items, including the following:

For platforms other than Novell NetWare and Windows CE, there are several directories under the installation directory:

Novell NetWare file locations 

On Novell NetWare, all files are installed to a single directory on the server. Throughout this documentation, when reference is made to files in subdirectories of the installation directory, the file on NetWare is in the installation directory itself.

Windows CE file locations 

On Windows CE, all files are installed to the installation directory, and no subdirectories are created. The exception is that all DLLs are installed into the \Windows directory.

Contents Index File Locations and Installation Settings How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files