Contents Index SYBASE environment variable Registry and INI files

ASA Database Administration Guide
  File Locations and Installation Settings
    Environment variables

TEMP environment variable







The database server creates a temporary file for various operations such as sorting and performing unions. Temporary files are placed in the directory specified by the ASTMP, TMP, TMPDIR, or TEMP environment variable. Adaptive Server Anywhere takes the first one of these that it finds, in that order.

If none of the environment variables is defined, temporary files are placed in the current working directory of the server.

On UNIX, only the ASTMP variable is used. If the ASTMP variable does not exist, files are placed in the /tmp/.SQLAnywhere directory.

On Windows CE, you can specify which directory you want to use as the server's temporary directory, in the registry.

For more information about setting the temporary directory value, see Registry settings on Windows CE

Contents Index SYBASE environment variable Registry and INI files