Contents Index Utility database server security Permission to execute file administration statements

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Working with Database Files
    Using the utility database
      Utility database server security

Utility database passwords

The personal server and the network server have different security models for connections.

For the personal server, you must specify the user ID DBA. You must also specify a password, but it can be any password. Since the personal server is for single machine use, security restrictions (for example passwords) are unnecessary.

For the network server, you must specify the user ID DBA, and the password that is held in a file named util_db.ini, stored in the same directory as the database server executable file. As this directory is on the server, you can control access to the file, and thereby control who has access to the password.

The util_db.ini file 

The util_db.ini file has the following contents:


Use of the utility_db security level relies on the physical security of the computer hosting the database server, since the util_db.ini file can be easily read using a text editor.

Contents Index Utility database server security Permission to execute file administration statements