Contents Index Introduction to locales Understanding the locale character set

ASA Database Administration Guide
  International Languages and Character Sets
    Understanding locales

Understanding the locale language

The locale language is an indicator of the language being used by the user of the client application, or expected to be used by users of the database server.

For more information about how to find locale settings, see Determining locale information.

The client library determines the language component of the locale as follows:

  1. On Windows, it checks the Adaptive Server Anywhere language registry entry, as described in Registry settings on installation.

  2. On other operating systems, or if the registry setting is not present, it checks the operating system language setting.

The database server determines the language component of the locale as follows:

  1. It checks the ASLANG environment variable, if it exists.

    For more information, see .

  2. On Windows, it checks the Adaptive Server Anywhere language registry entry, as described in Registry settings on installation.

  3. Queries the operating system.

  4. If the language cannot be determined by the above settings, it defaults to English.

Language label values 

The following table displays the valid language label values, together with the equivalent ISO 639 labels:

Language label Alternative label ISO_639 language code
chinese simpchin ZH
danish N/A DA
french N/A FR
german N/A DE
italian N/A IT
japanese N/A JA
korean N/A KO
norwegian norweg NO
polish N/A PL
portuguese portugue PT
russian N/A RU
spanish N/A ES
swedish N/A SV
tchinese tradchin TW
ukrainian N/A UK
us_english english EN

Contents Index Introduction to locales Understanding the locale character set