Contents Index Choosing collations Alternate collations

ASA Database Administration Guide
  International Languages and Character Sets
    Understanding collations

Supplied and recommended collations

The following collations are supplied with Adaptive Server Anywhere. You can obtain the list of main collations by typing the following command at the command prompt:

dbinit -l
Collation label Description
932JPN Code Page 932, Japanese Shift-JIS with Microsoft extensions
936ZHO Code Page 936, Simplified Chinese, PRC GBK 2312-80 8-bit encoding
949KOR Code Page 949, Korean KS C 5601-1987 encoding, Wansung
950TWN Code Page 950, Traditional Chinese, Big 5 Encoding
1250LATIN2 Code Page 1250, Windows Latin 2, Central/Eastern European
1250POL Code Page 1250, Windows Latin 2, Polish
1251CYR Code Page 1251, Cyrillic
1252LATIN1 Code Page 1252, Windows Latin 1, Western
1253ELL Code Page 1253, Windows Greek, ISO8859-7 with extensions
1254TRK Code Page 1254, Windows Latin 5, Turkish, ISO 8859-9 with extensions
EUC_JAPAN Japanese EUC JIS X 0208-1990 and JIS X 0212-1990 Encoding
EUC_CHINA Simplified Chinese GB 2312-80 Encoding
EUC_TAIWAN Taiwanese Big 5 Encoding
EUC_KOREA Korean KS C 5601-1992 Encoding, Johab
ISO_1 ISO8859-1, Latin 1, Western
ISO_BINENG Binary ordering, English ISO/ASCII 7-bit letter case mappings
ISO1LATIN1 ISO8859-1, ISO Latin 1, Western, Latin 1 Ordering
ISO9LATIN1 ISO8859-15, ISO Latin 9, Western, Latin 1 Ordering
UTF8 Unicode Transformation Format-8, 8-bit multibyte encoding for Unicode

The following collations are recommended because they provide the most likely match to the character set being used by the application: they have an appropriate sort order and support for the symbols and accented characters required for each specific language. Some languages do not have a recommended UNIX collation.

Language Windows collations UNIX collations
Western European (including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) 1252LATIN1 ISO9LATIN1 , ISO1LATIN1
Eastern European (including Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovakian, and Slovenian) 1250LATIN2
Japanese 932JPN EUC_JAPAN
Polish 1250POL
Russian and Ukrainian 1251CYR
Simplified Chinese 936ZHO EUC_CHINA
Traditional Chinese 950TWN EUC_TAIWAN
Turkish 1254TRK
Greek 1253ELL

Contents Index Choosing collations Alternate collations