Contents Index Creating a custom collation Changing a database from one collation to another

ASA Database Administration Guide
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    International language and character set tasks

Creating a database with a custom collation

If none of the supplied collations meet your needs, you can create a database using a custom collation. The custom collation is used in indexes and any string comparisons.

To create a database with a custom collation

  1. Create a custom collation.

    You must have a custom collation in place to use when creating a database.

    For more information about how to create custom collations, see Creating a custom collation.

  2. Create the new database.

    Use the Initialization utility, specifying the name of your custom collation.

    For example, the following command creates a database named temp.db using the custom collation sequence newcol.

    dbinit -z newcol temp.db

    You can also use the Initialization utility from Sybase Central.

Contents Index Creating a custom collation Changing a database from one collation to another