Contents Index Validating a database Validating a transaction log

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Backup and Data Recovery
    Backup and recovery tasks

Validating a single table

You can check the validity of a single table either from Sybase Central or using a SQL statement. You must have DBA authority or be the owner of a table to check its validity.

To check the validity of a table (Sybase Central)

  1. Open the Tables folder.

  2. Right-click the table and choose Validate from the popup menu.

    A message box indicates whether the table is valid or not.

To check the validity of a table (SQL)


If errors are reported, you can drop all of the indexes and keys on a table and recreate them. Any foreign keys to the table will also need to be recreated. Another solution to errors reported by VALIDATE TABLE is to unload and reload your entire database. You should use the -u option of dbunload so that it does not try to use a possibly corrupt index to order the data.

Contents Index Validating a database Validating a transaction log