Contents Index Erasing a database using the Erase Database wizard Erase utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Erase utility

Erasing a database using the dberase command-line utility


dberase [ options ] database-file

Option Description
-ek key Specify encryption key
-ep Prompt for encryption key
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-q Operate quietly—do not print messages
-y Erase files without confirmation

The database-file may be a database file, write file, or transaction log file. The full filename must be specified, including extension. If a database file or write file is specified, the associated transaction log file (and mirror, if one is maintained) is also erased.

For more information about the Erase utility options, see Erase utility options.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Erase utility options

Contents Index Erasing a database using the Erase Database wizard Erase utility options