Contents Index Obtaining database information using the dbinfo command-line utility The Initialization utility

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Information utility
      Obtaining database information using the dbinfo command-line utility

Information utility options

Connection parameters (-c)    Specify connection parameters.

For a description of the connection parameters, see Connection parameters.

Any valid user ID can run the Information utility, but to obtain page usage statistics you need DBA authority.

Log output messages to file (-o)    Write output messages to the named file.

Operate quietly (-q)    Do not display output messages. This option is available only when you run this utility from the command prompt.

Page usage statistics (-u)    Display information about the usage and size of all tables, including system and user-defined tables.

You can only request page usage statistics if no other users are connected to the database.

Contents Index Obtaining database information using the dbinfo command-line utility The Initialization utility