Contents Index Managing services using the dbsvc command-line utility The Spawn utility

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Service Creation utility
      Managing services using the dbsvc command-line utility

Service creation utility options

Account name (-a)    All services run under a Windows account. If you run under an account you've created, you must name the account with the -a option and supply a password with the -p option.

Use local system account (-as)    All services run under a Windows account. Using the -as option, the service will run under a Windows account. No password is required.

Delete a service (-d)    Removes the server name from the list of services. If you supply -y, any service is deleted without confirmation.

Allow service to interact with desktop (-i)    Displays an icon that you can double-click to display the server window.

Get details of a service (-g)    Lists the definition of the service, not including the password.

List all Adaptive Server Anywhere services (-l)    Lists the available Adaptive Server Anywhere services.

Password for account (-p)    Use this option with the -a option to specify the password for the account the service runs under.

Do not print banner (-q)    Suppress the informational banner. The -q option can be used with any of the -d, -g, -l, or -w options.

Set group dependencies (-rg)    At least one service from each of the groups in the list must be started before the service being created is allowed to start.

Set service dependencies (-rs)    All the services in the list must have started before the service being created is allowed to start.

Startup option (-s)    Sets startup behavior for Adaptive Server Anywhere services. You can set startup behavior to Automatic, Manual, or Disabled.

Type of service (-t type)    Specifies the executable to run for this service. You can choose from the following types:

Type Description
Network Adaptive Server Anywhere network database server (dbsrv9)
Standalone Adaptive Server Anywhere personal database server (dbeng9)
DBRemote SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote)
MobiLink MobiLink synchronization server (dbmlsrv9)
DBMLSync MobiLink synchronization client (dbmlsync)

The default setting is Standalone. If creating a service, you must specify options for the appropriate executable along with the type.

Start a service (-u service_name )    Starts a service named service_name.

Create service (-w)    Creates a new service, or overwrites one if one of the same name exists. If you supply -y, any existing service is overwritten without confirmation.

You must supply the full path to the executable that you wish to use as a service, as the account under which the service is running may not have the appropriate SQL Anywhere directory in its path.

You must supply parameters appropriate for the service you are creating. For more information, see the following locations:

Stop a service (-x service_name)    Stops a service named service_name.

Delete or overwrite service without confirmation (-y)    Automatically carries out the action without prompting for confirmation. This option can be used with the -w or -d options.

Contents Index Managing services using the dbsvc command-line utility The Spawn utility