Contents Index The Spawn utility Spawn utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Spawn utility

Running a server in the background using the dbspawn command-line utility


dbspawn [ -q ] server command

Option Description
-f Do not check for a running server
-p Report operating system process ID
-q Quiet mode—do not print messages

The dbspawn utility is provided to start a server in the background. dbspawn starts the server in the background and returns with an exit code of 0 (success) or non-zero (failure). If the server specified in server-command is already running, dbspawn reports failure.

The dbspawn utility is useful for starting a server from a batch file, especially when subsequent commands in the batch file require a server that is accepting requests.

If the specified path includes at least one space, and if you are executing the spawn utility from a batch file, you must enclose the path in one set of double quotes. For example,

dbspawn dbeng9 "C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\asademo.db"

If the specified path includes at least one space, and if you are executing the spawn utility at the command prompt, you must provide an extra set of quotes, and escape the quotes around the database file. For example,

dbspawn dbeng9 "\"C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\asademo.db\""

If the specified path does not contain spaces, then quotes are not required.

For a description of the server commands, see The database server.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Spawn utility options

Contents Index The Spawn utility Spawn utility options