Contents Index Managing log files using the Change Log File Settings wizard Transaction log utility options

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Administration Utilities
    The Transaction Log utility

Managing log files using the dblog command-line utility


dblog [ options ] database-file

Option Description
-ek key Specify encryption key
-ep Prompt for encryption key
-g n Sets the LTM generation number to n
-il Ignores the LTM truncation offset stored in the database
-ir Ignores the SQL Remote truncation offset stored in the database
-m mirror-name Set transaction log mirror name
-n No longer use a transaction log or mirror log
-o filename Log output messages to a file
-q Quiet mode—do not print messages
-r No longer use a transaction log mirror
-t log-name Set the transaction log name
-x n Set the transaction log current relative offset to n
-z n Set the transaction log starting offset to n

The dblog utility allows you to display or change the name of the transaction log or transaction log mirror associated with a database. You can also stop a database from maintaining a transaction log or mirror, or start maintaining a transaction log or mirror.

The utility displays additional information about the transaction log, including the following:

Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure).

For more information about the Transaction log utility options, see Transaction log utility options.

This utility accepts @filename parameters. For more information, see @filename server option.

Transaction log utility options

Contents Index Managing log files using the Change Log File Settings wizard Transaction log utility options