Contents Index ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT option [compatibility] ANSI_CLOSE_CURSORS_ON_ROLLBACK option [compatibility]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Options
    Alphabetical list of options

ANSI_BLANKS option [compatibility]


Controls behavior when character data is truncated at the client side.

Allowed values 




ON for Open Client and JDBC connections


The ANSI_BLANKS option has no effect unless the database was created with the -b command-line option. It forces a truncation error whenever a value of data type CHAR(N) is read into a C char(M) variable for values of N greater than or equal to M. With ANSI_BLANKS set to OFF, a truncation error occurs only when at least one non-blank character is truncated.

For Embedded SQL, if ANSI_BLANKS is ON when you supply a value of data type DT_STRING, you must set the sqllen field to the length of the value, including space for the terminating null character. With ANSI_BLANKS off, the length is determined solely by the position of the null character.

The ANSI_BLANKS setting persists for the life of a connection. Changing it after a connection has been established does not affect that connection.

Contents Index ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT option [compatibility] ANSI_CLOSE_CURSORS_ON_ROLLBACK option [compatibility]