Contents Index OUTPUT_NULLS option [ISQL] PINNED_CURSOR_PERCENT_OF_CACHE option [database]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Options
    Alphabetical list of options

PERCENT_AS_COMMENT option [compatibility]


Controls the interpretation of the percent character.

Allowed values 





It is recommended that you not use % as a comment marker.

Versions of this product before Version 6 treated the percent character (%) in SQL statements exclusively as a comment delimiter. Since Version 5, alternative comment markers such as //, /* */, and -- (double dash) have been available. The double-dash style is the SQL/92 comment delimiter.

Adaptive Server Enterprise treats % as a modulo operator and does not support the Adaptive Server Anywhere mod function. Writing a statement that works in both environments and performs a modulo operation was previously impossible.

The PERCENT_AS_COMMENT option controls the meaning of %. The default setting is ON for backwards compatibility. You can set the option to OFF for compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Procedures, triggers and views that were created with %-style comments are converted to double-dash comments when they are stored in the catalog.

Existing procedures must be recreated before changing option 
Any existing procedures that contain %-style comments must be recreated before you change the option setting; otherwise, the procedures will fail to load.

Contents Index OUTPUT_NULLS option [ISQL] PINNED_CURSOR_PERCENT_OF_CACHE option [database]