Contents Index Server-level properties Physical Limitations

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Performance and Connection Properties
    Database properties

Database-level properties

The following table lists properties available for each database on the server.


To retrieve the value of a database property

To retrieve the values of all database properties

Property Description
Alias The database name.
BlankPadding The status of the blank padding feature. Returns ON if the database has blank padding enabled. Otherwise, it returns OFF.
BlobArenas The status of the BlobArenas feature. Returns ON if the database stores extension (blob) pages separately from table pages for the database. Otherwise, returns OFF.
CacheHits The number of database page lookups satisfied by finding the page in the cache.
CacheRead The number of database pages that have been looked up in the cache.
CacheReadIndInt The number of index internal-node pages that have been read from the cache.
CacheReadIndLeaf The number of index leaf pages that have been read from the cache.
CacheReadTable The number of table pages that have been read from the cache.
Capabilities The capability bits enabled for the database. This property is primarily for use by technical support.
CaseSensitive The status of the case sensitivity feature. Returns ON if the database is case sensitive. Otherwise, it returns OFF
CharSet The character set of the database.
CheckpointUrgency The time that has elapsed since the last checkpoint as a percentage of the checkpoint time setting of the database.
Chkpt The number of checkpoints that have been performed.
ChkptFlush The number of ranges of adjacent pages written out during a checkpoint.
ChkptPage The number of transaction log checkpoints.
CommitFile The number of times the server has forced a flush of the disk cache. On Windows NT/2000/XP and NetWare platforms, the disk cache does not need to be flushed if unbuffered (direct) I/O is used.
CompressedBTrees Returns ON if Compressed B-tree indexes are supported. Otherwise, returns OFF.
Compression The compression status of the database. Returns either ON (meaning the database is compressed) or OFF. If a write file is created on a compressed database, the write file is NOT compressed. Starting a write file created on a compressed database and selecting db_property('icompression'), returns OFF.
ConnCount The number of connections to the database.
CurrentRedoPos The current offset in the transaction log file where the next database operation is to be logged.
CurrIO The current number of file I/Os that were issued by the server but have not yet completed.
CurrRead The current number of file reads that were issued by the server but have not yet completed.
CurrWrite The current number of file writes that were issued by the server but have not yet completed.
DBFileFragments The number of database file fragments. This property is supported on Windows NT/2000/XP.
DiskRead The number of pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadIndInt The number of index internal-node pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadIndLeaf The number of index leaf pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadTable The number of table pages that have been read from disk.
DiskWrite The number of modified pages that have been written to disk.
DriveType The drive on which the database file is located. Returns CD, FIXED, RAMDISK, REMOTE, REMOVABLE, and UNKNOWN. Returns UNKNOWN on non-Windows platforms.
Encryption The type of encryption applied to the database. Returns None, Simple, AES, or MDSR.
ExtendDB The number of pages by which the database file has been extended.
ExtendTempWrite The number of pages by which temporary files have been extended.
File The file name of the database root file, including path.
FileSize dbspace When used with db_property, this property returns the file size of the system dbspace, in pages.

When used with db_extended_property, you can specify which dbspace you want the size for.

Dbspacecan be either the name of the dbspace, the file_id of the dbspace, or temporary to refer to the temporary dbspace.

You can also specify translog to return the size of the log file.

Finally, you can specify writefile to refer to the write file. When using a write file, FileSize on a dbspace returns the amount of space in the virtual dbspace, represented by the underlying dbspace plus the modifications to that dbspace that have been stored in the write file.

Leaving the dbspace unspecified, or using system, both refer to the system dbspace.

If the specified dbspace does not exist, the property function returns null. If the name of a dbspace is specified and an id or name of a database which is not the database of the current connection is also specified, the function also returns null.

FileVersion The version of the database file. This does not correspond to a software release version.
FreePages dbspace FreePages is only supported on databases created with 8.0.0 or later.

When used with db_property, this property returns the number of free pages in the system dbspace.

When used with db_extended_property, you can specify which dbspace you want the number of free pages for. Dbspacecan be either the name of the dbspace, the file_id of the dbspace, or temporary to refer to the temporary dbspace.

You can also specify translog to return the size of the log file.

Finally, you can specify writefile to refer to the write file. When using a write file, FreePages on a dbspace returns the number of free pages in the virtual dbspace, represented by the underlying dbspace plus the modifications to that dbspace that have been stored in the write file.

Leaving the dbspace unspecified, or using system both refer to the system dbspace.

If the specified dbspace does not exist, the property function returns null. If the name of a dbspace is specified and an id or name of a database which is not the database of the current connection is also specified, the function also returns null.

FreePageBitMaps Returns ON if free database pages are managed via bitmaps. Otherwise, returns OFF.
FullCompare The number of comparisons that have been performed beyond the hash value in an index.
GlobalDBId The value of the GLOBAL_DATABASE_ID option used to generate unique primary key values in a replication environment.
Histograms Returns ON if optimizer statistics are maintained as histograms. Otherwise, returns OFF.
IdleCheck The number of times that the server's idle thread has become active to do idle writes, idle checkpoints, and so on.
IdleChkpt The number of checkpoints completed by the server's idle thread. An idle checkpoint occurs whenever the idle thread writes out the last dirty page in the cache.
IdleChkTime The number of 100ths of a second spent checkpointing during idle I/O.
IdleWrite The number of disk writes that have been issued by the server's idle thread.
IndAdd The number of entries that have been added to indexes.
IndLookup The number of entries that have been looked up in indexes.
IOToRecover The estimated number of I/O operations required to recover the database.
IQStore Reserved.
JavaHeapSize Heap size per Java VM.
JavaNSSize Java VM Namespace size.
JDKVersion The Java runtime library version used by this database.
Language The locale language of the database.
LargeProcedureIDs Returns ON if 32-bit stored procedure IDs are supported for the database. Otherwise, returns OFF.
LockTablePages The number of pages used to store lock information.
LogFileFragments The number of log file fragments. This property is supported on Windows NT/2000/XP.
LogFreeCommit The number of Redo Free Commits. A "Redo Free Commit" occurs when a commit of the transaction log is requested but the log has already been written (so the commit was done for "free").
LogName The file name of the transaction log, including path.
LogWrite The number of pages that have been written to the transaction log.
LTMGeneration The generation number of the LTM, or Replication Agent. This property is primarily for use by technical support.
LTMTrunc The minimal confirmed log offset for the Replication Agent.
MapPages The number of map pages used for accessing the lock table, frequency table, and table layout.
MaxIO The maximum value that CurrIO has reached.
MaxRead The maximum value that CurrRead has reached.
MaxWrite The maximum value that CurrWrite has reached.
MultiByteCharSet Returns ON if the database uses a multi-byte character set. Otherwise, returns OFF.
Name The database name (identical to alias).
PageRelocations The number of relocatable heap pages that have been read from the temporary file.
PageSize The page size of the database, in bytes.
PreserveSource Returns ON if the database preserves the source for procedures and views. Otherwise, returns OFF.
ProcedurePages The number of relocatable heap pages that have been used for procedures.
QueryBypassed The number of requests optimized by the optimizer bypass.
QueryCachePages The number of pages used to cache execution plans.
QueryCachedPlans The number of cached execution plans across all connections.
QueryLowMemoryStrategy The number of times the server changed its execution plan during execution as a result of low memory conditions. The strategy can change because less memory is available than the optimizer estimated, or because the execution plan required more memory than the optimizer estimated.
QueryOptimized The number of requests fully optimized.
QueryBypassed The number of requests reused from the plan cache.
ReadOnly Returns ON if the database is being run in read-only mode. Otherwise, returns OFF.
RecoveryUrgency An estimate of the amount of time required to recover the database.
RelocatableHeapPages The number of pages used for relocatable heaps (cursors, statements, procedures, triggers, views, etc.).
RemoteTrunc The minimal confirmed log offset for the SQL Remote Message Agent.
RollbackLogPages The number of pages in the rollback log.
SeparateCheckpointLog Returns ON if the checkpoint log for the database is maintained at the end of the SYSTEM dbspace. Otherwise, returns OFF.
SeparateForeignKeys Returns ON if primary and foreign keys are stored separately. Otherwise, returns OFF.
SyncTrunc The minimal confirmed log offset for the MobiLink client dbmlsync executable.
TableBitMaps Returns ON if the database supports table bitmaps. Otherwise, returns OFF.
TempFileName The file name of the database temporary file, including path.
TempTablePages The number of pages in the temporary file used for temporary tables.
TransactionsSpanLogs Returns ON if transactions can span multiple log files. Otherwise, returns OFF.
TriggerPages The number of relocatable heap pages used for triggers.
VariableHashSize Returns ON if the hash size can be specified for B-tree indexes. Otherwise, returns OFF.
ViewPages The number of relocatable heap pages used for views.

Contents Index Server-level properties Physical Limitations