Contents Index The MobiLink synchronization server Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Basics
    The MobiLink synchronization server

Running the MobiLink synchronization server

The MobiLink synchronization server opens connections, via ODBC, with your consolidated database server. It then accepts connections from remote applications and controls the synchronization process.

To start the MobiLink synchronization server

For information about connection parameters, see -c option.

You must specify connection parameters. Other options are available, but are optional. These options allow you to specify how the server works. For example, you can specify a maximum number of worker threads, cache size, and logging options.

For more information about dbmlsrv9 options, see MobiLink Synchronization Server Options.

Note: The dbmlsrv9 options allow you to specify how the MobiLink synchronization server works. To control what the server does, you define scripts that are invoked at synchronization events.

For more information, see MobiLink events.


The following command starts the MobiLink synchronization server, identifying the ODBC data source UltraLite 9.0 Sample as the consolidated database. Enter the entire command on one line.

  -c "dsn=UltraLite 9.0 Sample;uid=DBA;pwd=SQL"
  -zs MyServer
  -o mlsrv.log
  -x tcpip

In this example, the -zs option provides a server name. The -o option specifies that the log file should be named mlsrv.log. The contents of mlsrv.log are verbose because of the -vcr option. The -x option specifies that MobiLink clients will be permitted to connect via TCP/IP.

You can also start the MobiLink synchronization server as a Windows service or UNIX daemon. For more information, see Running MobiLink Outside the Current Session.

Contents Index The MobiLink synchronization server Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server