Contents Index Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server MobiLink clients

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Basics
    The MobiLink synchronization server

Logging MobiLink synchronization server actions

Logging the actions that the server takes is particularly useful during the development process, and when troubleshooting. Verbose output is not recommended for normal operation of a production environment because it can slow performance.

Logging output to a file 

Logging output is sent to the MobiLink synchronization server window. In addition, you can send the output to a log file using the -o option. The following command sends output to a log file named mlsrv.log.

dbmlsrv9 -o mlsrv.log -c ...

For more information, see -o option.

Controlling the size of log files 

You can control the size of log files, and specify what you want done when a file reaches its maximum size.

For more information, see

Controlling the amount of logging output 

You can control the amount of output that is logged using the -v option.

For more information, see -v option.

Controlling which errors are reported 

You can also control which warning messages are reported.

For more information, see

Contents Index Stopping the MobiLink synchronization server MobiLink clients