Contents Index Transactions in the synchronization process How the upload stream is processed

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Basics
    The synchronization process

How synchronization failure is handled

MobiLink synchronization is fault tolerant. For example, if a communication link fails during synchronization, both the remote database and the consolidated database are left in a consistent state.

On the client, failure is indicated by a return code. For example, in an embedded SQL UltraLite application, the SQLCode is set to SQLE_COMMUNICATION_ERROR when ULSynchronize returns.

There are three cases that are handled in different ways:

In all cases where failure may occur, no data is lost. The MobiLink server and the MobiLink client manage this for you. The developer/user need not worry about maintaining consistent data in their application.

Contents Index Transactions in the synchronization process How the upload stream is processed