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MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Writing Synchronization Scripts

Writing scripts to handle errors

An error in a synchronization script occurs when an operation in the script fails while the MobiLink synchronization server is executing it. The DBMS returns a SQLCODE to the MobiLink synchronization server indicating the nature of the error. Each consolidated database DBMS has its own set of SQLCODE values.

When an error occurs, the MobiLink synchronization server invokes the handle_error event. You should provide a connection script associated with this event to handle errors. The MobiLink synchronization server passes several parameters to this script to provide information about the nature and context of the error, and requires an output value to tell it how to respond to the error.

Error handling actions 

Some actions you may wish to take in an error-handling script are:

For more information, see handle_error connection event.

Reporting errors
Handling multiple errors on a single SQL statement

Contents Index Writing download_delete_cursor scripts Reporting errors