Contents Index Testing script syntax Supported DBMS scripting strategies

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Writing Synchronization Scripts

DBMS-dependent scripts

Some aspects of scripts depend on the DBMS you are using. A number of factors determine the kind of scripting needed for your synchronization with your ODBC compliant database, and these factors include, but are not limited to:

The chart below outlines the most common supported databases and their properties.

Feature Oracle DB2 Adaptive Server Anywhere and other
Session-wide variables No No Yes
User-defined procedures Yes No Yes
Autoincrement for primary keys. No Yes Yes

One strategy for using MobiLink with these supported databases is to write your table scripts and synchronization logic in the DBMS version of the SQL language. Another strategy for using MobiLink with any supported consolidated database uses Java synchronization logic. When you use Java synchronization logic you can hold session-wide variables and create user-defined procedures in Java.

For information about Java synchronization logic, see Writing Java synchronization logic.

For information about .NET synchronization logic, see Writing Synchronization Scripts in .NET.

Supported DBMS scripting strategies

Contents Index Testing script syntax Supported DBMS scripting strategies