Contents Index How conflicts are detected Forced conflict resolution

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Techniques
    Handling conflicts
      How conflicts are detected

Detecting conflicts

When using upload_update scripts, conflict detection is carried out in one of the following circumstances:

The MobiLink synchronization server processes each uploaded update using the following procedure.

  1. MobiLink synchronization server detects conflicts only if an upload_fetch or appropriate upload_update script is applied:

  2. If any of the old uploaded values do not match the current consolidated values, the MobiLink synchronization server detects a conflict.

You can resolve conflicts as they occur using the resolve_conflict script, or you can resolve all conflicts at once using the table's end_upload script.

For an example of conflict resolution using statement-based uploads, see Synchronizing products in the Contact sample.

Contents Index How conflicts are detected Forced conflict resolution