Contents Index Forced conflict resolution Storing the user name

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Techniques
    Handling conflicts
      Forced conflict resolution

Forced conflict resolution

If no upload_insert, upload_update, or upload_delete script is defined for a remote table, the MobiLink synchronization server uses forced conflict resolution . In this mode of operation, MobiLink synchronization server attempts to insert all uploaded rows from that table using the statements defined by the upload_old_row_insert and upload_new_row_insert scripts. In essence, all uploaded rows are then treated as conflicts. You can write stored procedures or scripts to process the uploaded values in any way you want.

Without any of the upload_insert, upload_update, or upload_delete scripts, the normal conflict-resolution procedure is bypassed. This technique has two principal uses.

Contents Index Forced conflict resolution Storing the user name