Contents Index Setting up server-initiated synchronization Create push requests

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Server-Initiated Synchronization

Push requests

The Notifier sends a message to a remote database when it detects a push request. A push request is a row in a SQL result set that contains the following columns in the following order. The first five columns are required and the last two columns are optional.

Column Description
request id INTEGER. A unique ID for a push request.
gateway VARCHAR. The gateway on which to send the message. The names of gateways are defined in your Notifier properties file.
subject VARCHAR. The subject line of the message.
content VARCHAR. The content of the message.
address VARCHAR. Destination address. The format of the address is gateway-specific. For example, in an SMTP gateway the address is an e-mail address.
resend interval INTEGER. Optional. How often the message should be resent, in minutes. Useful especially when the network is unreliable or the remote device may go out of coverage. The Notifier assumes that all attributes associated with a resendable notification request do not change: subsequent updates are ignored after the first poll of the request. The Notifier automatically adjusts the next polling interval if a resendable notification must be sent before the next polling time. You can stop a resendable notification using the request_cursor query or by deleting the request from the request table. The default is to send exactly once, with no resend.
time to live INTEGER. Optional. The time in minutes until the request should be deleted. If this value is 0, NULL, or not specified, the default is to send exactly once, with no resend.

A push request occurs when the Notifier finds a new row in the result set. The Notifier uses this result set to decide what messages to send to specific addresses. Each row of the result set represents one push request to send one message to one address through one gateway.

In a typical implementation, you add a table to your consolidated database with the columns listed above.

Create push requests
Detect push requests
Delete push requests

Contents Index Setting up server-initiated synchronization Create push requests