Contents Index Start the Notifier Common properties

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Server-Initiated Synchronization
    Set up the Notifier

Configure the Notifier

You configure Notifiers using a Notifier properties file. This text file can have any name. The easiest way to create this file is to alter the template, %asany%\samples\MobiLink\template.notifier. The properties are described in the following sections.

You can have several Notifier property files. To identify the properties file you want to use, specify the name and location when you start dbmlsrv9 with the -notifier option. Following is a partial dbmlsrv9 command line:

dbmlsrv9 ... -notifier "c:\samples\CarDealer.notifier"

If you do not specify a file with the -notifier option, by default the Notifier looks for a file called config.notifier in your system path. If it doesn't find one, the MobiLink synchronization server issues an error and fails to start.

A Notifier properties file can configure and start multiple Notifiers and multiple gateways. You provide a name for each Notifier and gateway that you want to define.

Notifier properties must be entered on one line, but you can use the backslash ( \ ) as a line continuation character. The backslash is also an escape character.

You can use the following escape sequences in your property settings:

Escape sequence Description
\b \u0008: backspace BS
\t \u0009: horizontal tab HT
\n \u000a: linefeed LF
\f \u000c: form feed FF
\r \u000d: carriage return CR
\" \u0022: double quote "
\' \u0027: single quote '
\\ \u005c: backslash \
\uhhhh Unicode
\xhh \xhh: ASCII escape
\e \u001b: Unicode escape

The properties file contains four sections:

Common properties
Notifier properties
SMTP gateway properties
UDP gateway properties

Contents Index Start the Notifier Common properties