Contents Index Configuring MobiLink user properties Dropping MobiLink users

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Adaptive Server Anywhere Clients
    Creating MobiLink users
      Configuring MobiLink user properties

Priority order for extended options and connection parameters

The CREATE/ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION USER and CREATE/ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statements allow you to store extended options and connection parameters in the database and associate them with subscriptions, users or publications. The dbmlsync utility reads this information from the database.

Note: You specify options for a publication by using the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statement and omitting the FOR clause.

If extended options are specified in both the database and the command line, the option strings are combined. If conflicting options are specified, dbmlsync resolves them as follows. In the following list, options specified by methods occurring earlier in the list take precedence over those occurring later in the list.

  1. options specified on the command line with the dbmlsync -eu option.

  2. options specified on the command line with the dbmlsync -e option.

  3. options specified for the subscription (whether using SQL statements or Sybase Central).

  4. options specified for the user (whether using SQL statements or Sybase Central).

  5. options specified for the publication (whether using SQL statements or Sybase Central).

If the connection TYPE or ADDRESS is specified in more than one place, the one specified with the highest priority according to the list above overrides any other specification. The connection TYPE and ADDRESS can be specified on the command line using adr and ctp extended options.

Contents Index Configuring MobiLink user properties Dropping MobiLink users