Contents Index Checking that MobiLink HotSync conduit installation is correct Deploying the MobiLink HotSync conduit

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  UltraLite Clients
    Synchronizing UltraLite databases on the Palm Computing Platform

Configuring the MobiLink HotSync conduit

The MobiLink HotSync conduit needs to communicate with a MobiLink synchronization server to synchronize the UltraLite application and the consolidated database. You can provide the information needed by the conduit to locate the MobiLink synchronization server in a stream_parms member of the UltraLite ul_synch_info structure supplied to the PalmExit function. If you did not specify a stream_parms value, or if you specified the value as null, you can enter the required parameters from the HotSync Manager.

In addition, if you are using a strongly encrypted UltraLite database, you can save the encryption key so that you do not have to enter it on each synchronization.

If you have Palm Desktop software installed, the Adaptive Server Anywhere installation creates registry entries for the CustDB sample application. You can use these entries as a starting point for your own application.

For information about stream_parms, see Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications.

To configure the MobiLink HotSync conduit for synchronization

  1. Right-click the HotSync Manager icon in the system tray, and choose Custom from the popup menu.

  2. Select your MobiLink HotSync conduit from the list of conduit names, and click Change.

  3. Enter a set of stream parameters in the Synchronization Parameters text box. These parameters are the same as those in a stream_parms parameter, except that a "stream" entry is used to specify the communications type (TCPIP, HTTP, or HTTPS). For example:


    For more information, see HotSync synchronization stream parameters.

  4. If the database is strongly encrypted, you can enter the encryption key in the Encryption Key text box. If no key is entered, you will be prompted for the encryption key on each synchronization.

  5. Click OK to complete the entry. The HotSync conduit is now ready to use.

Registry location 
Location of synchronization log files 

The stream parameters and encryption key are stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere\9.0\Conduit\Creator ID, where Creator ID is application-dependent.

A secondary location for HotSync synchronization depends on the version of the Palm Computing Platform software you are using. They are made under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics or the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm Computing folder.

HotSync log files 

You can obtain additional debugging information by setting the UL_DEBUG_CONDUIT_LOG environment variable. When this environment variable is set to 1, basic information such as synchronization parameters, registry locations, and attempts to load libraries is written to the HotSync log file. When set to 2, more detailed information is written to the HotSync log file.

The HotSync log file is in the subdirectory User\HotSync.log of your Pilot or Palm directory. HotSync records when each synchronization takes place and whether each installed conduit worked as expected.

Contents Index Checking that MobiLink HotSync conduit installation is correct Deploying the MobiLink HotSync conduit