Contents Index Configuring Remote Access Service Configuring RAS for serial port connection

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  UltraLite Clients
    Synchronizing UltraLite databases on the Palm Computing Platform
      Configuring Remote Access Service

Configuring RAS for synchronization via modem

To use this method, you must have access to a Remote Access Service when you dial in.

To configure a Palm device for RAS TCP/IP via a modem

  1. Install the modem by plugging the Palm device into the modem module.

  2. Go to the Preferences (Prefs) panel and choose Network from the dropdown list at the top right of screen.

  3. Choose the Windows RAS service.

  4. Set the dial-in username and password.

  5. Set the phone number to the number at which the Remote Access Service can be reached. Obtain this number from your ISP.

  6. Tap Details.

  7. Set the connection type (usually PPP).

  8. Set the DNS and IP addresses as recommended by your network administrator.

  9. Tap Script and enter the script recommended by your ISP. This script will be similar to the following sample.

    Wait For: Username:
    Delay: 1
    Send UserID:
    Send CR:
    Wait For: Password:
    Delay: 1
    Send Password:
    Send CR:
    Wait For: >
    Delay: 1
    Send: ppp
    Send CR:

    Tap OK until you are back to the Network Preferences.

At this point, you are ready to test your TCP/IP connection.

Contents Index Configuring Remote Access Service Configuring RAS for serial port connection