MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
Writing Synchronization Scripts in .NET
Running .NET synchronization logic
The following procedure describes one way you can debug your .NET scripts using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
To debug .NET scripts
Compile your code with debugging information turned on:
On the csc command line, set the flag /debug+
Use Microsoft Visual Studio settings to set debug output
Load MobiLink in Microsoft Visual Studio.
For example, type the following partial command line:
devenv /debugexe %asany9%\win32\dbmlsrv9.exe -c ...
This causes dbmlsrv9.exe to appear in the Solution Explorer window.
Set up Microsoft Visual Studio for debugging .NET code:
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window, right-click dbmlsrv9.exe and choose Properties.
Change Debugger Type from Auto to Mixed or Managed Only.
Using Visual Studio, set break points in your .NET source code.
Start MobiLink from the Debug menu or using F5.
Perform a synchronization that causes the code with a breakpoint to be executed by MobiLink.