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DBParameterCollection class

public class DBParameterCollection
inherits from IDataParameterCollectionIListICollectionIEnumerable
Member of iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script

Collection of DBParameters. When DBCommand creates a DBParamterCollection it is empty and must be filled with appropriate parameters before the DBCommand executes.

DBParameterCollection( ) method 

public DBParameterCollection( )

Creates an empty list of DBParameters.

Contains( string parameterName ) method 

public bool Contains( string parameterName )

Returns true if the collection contains a parameter with the specified name. Takes one parameter, parameterName, which is the name of the parameter.

IndexOf( string parameterName ) method 

public int IndexOf( string parameterName )

Returns index of the parameter, or -1 if there is no parameter with the given name. Takes one parameter, parameterName, which is the name of the parameter.

RemoveAt( string parameterName ) method 

public void RemoveAt( string parameterName )

Removes the parameter with the given name from the collection. Takes one parameter, parameterName, which is the name of the parameter.

Add( object value ) method 

public int Add( object value ) method

Adds the given parameter to the collection. Takes one parameter, value, which is the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter to add to the collection. Returns the index of the added parameter in the collection.

Clear() method 

public void Clear( )

Removes all parameters from the collection.

Contains( object value ) method 

public bool Contains( object value ) method

Returns true if this collection contains the given iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter. Takes one parameter, value, which is the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter.

IndexOf( object value ) method 

public int IndexOf( object value )

Returns the index of the given iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter in the collection. Takes one parameter, value, which is the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter.

Insert( int index, object value ) method 

public void Insert( int index, object value )

Inserts the given iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter into the collection at the specified index. Takes two parameters: value, which is the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter; and index, which is the index to insert at.

Remove( object value ) method 

public void Remove( object value )

Removes the given iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter from the collection. Takes one parameter, value, which is the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter.

RemoveAt( int index) method 

public int RemoveAt( int index )

Removes the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter at the given index in the collection. Takes one parameter, index, which is the index of the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter.

CopyTo(Array array, int index) method 

public void CopyTo( Array array, int index)

Copies the contents of the collection into the given array starting at the specified index. Takes two parameters: array, which is the array to copy the contents of the collection into; and index, which is the index in the array to begin copying the contents of the collection into.

GetEnumerator() method 

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator( )

Returns an enumerator for the collection.

IsFixedSize property 

public bool IsFixedSize

Returns false.

IsReadOnly property 

public bool IsReadOnly

Returns false.

Count property 

public int Count

The number of parameters in the collection.

IsSynchronized property 

public bool IsSynchronized

Returns false.

SyncRoot property 

public object SyncRoot

Object that can be used to synchronize the collection.

this[ string parameterName ] property 

public object this[ string parameterName ]

Gets or sets the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter with the given name in the collection. Takes one parameter, parameterName, which is the name of the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter to get or set.

this[ int index ] property 

public object this[ int index ]

Gets or sets the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter at the given index in the collection. Takes one parameter, index, which is the index of the iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.DBParameter to get or set.

Contents Index DBParameter class DBRowReader interface