Contents Index Configuring Redirector properties (all versions) Configuring an ISAPI Redirector for Microsoft web servers

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronizing Through a Web Server

Configuring an NSAPI Redirector for Netscape web servers

The NSAPI Redirector is provided for the Netscape iPlanet Enterprise Edition web server. Following are setup instructions for the iPlanet web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1, Service Pack 12.

To configure NSAPI Redirector for iPlanet

  1. Complete the steps in Configuring Redirector properties (all versions).

  2. If necessary, copy the file iaredirect.dll to the computer that holds the web server. This file is installed with the MobiLink synchronization server, in the MobiLink\redirector\nsapi subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation.

  3. Update the iPlanet web server configuration file obj.conf as follows.

    Sample file provided 
    A complete sample copy of obj.conf, preconfigured for the MobiLink synchronization server, is provided in MobiLink\redirector\nsapi, and is called obj.conf.example. You can use this sample file to confirm where the following sections fit in to the file.

    Note: For some versions of iPlanet, you may need to specify init directives in the magnus.conf file, rather than the obj.conf file. For an example, see the example at the end of this section.

    Update the following sections of obj.conf.

  4. Set the buffer size for the MobiLink upload streams.

    Add a directive to your web server's magnus.conf file to set the buffer size (in bytes) for the upload and download stream. For example:


    This directive increases the buffer to 2 Mb. The value must be sufficient to accommodate the size of the uploaded data.

  5. If you are using HTTPS synchronization, configure your server as follows:


Following are examples of the sections of obj.conf that configure the Netscape iPlanet web Server to route requests to MobiLink synchronization server.

Init fn="load-modules" shlib="D:/iaredirect.dll"
Init fn=" initialize_redirector " configFile="D:/redirector.config"
# For iPlanet 6.0 service pack 1 the preceding Init lines should be
# placed in the magnus.conf file, rather than the obj.conf file.
<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/mlredirect/ml/*" name="redirectToML"
<Object name="redirectToML">
Service fn="redirector" serverType="ml"

To test your configuration

  1. Call the Redirector using the following syntax:

  2. Check the log file to see if the Redirector logged a request.

Contents Index Configuring Redirector properties (all versions) Configuring an ISAPI Redirector for Microsoft web servers