Contents Index Configuring the servlet Redirector Running MobiLink Outside the Current Session

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronizing Through a Web Server
    Configuring the servlet Redirector

Configuring the servlet Redirector for Apache Tomcat servers

This section describes how to install the servlet version of the Redirector to work on an Apache web server in conjunction with the Tomcat servlet container. Testing of the Redirector software has been carried out using Tomcat version 4.1 and Apache 2.0.45.

Installation requires the following steps:

  1. Complete the steps in Configuring Redirector properties (all versions).

  2. Install the servlet version of the Redirector in Tomcat.

  3. Configure the Apache web server to run as a proxy.

This section uses %CATALINA_HOME% and %APACHE_HOME% as the root directory of your Tomcat and Apache installation respectively.

To install the servlet Redirector in Tomcat

  1. Install Tomcat as a standalone server.

    You can download Tomcat binaries from the Jakarta project on the Apache web site at

  2. Optionally, set the required Tomcat HTTP port.

    Tomcat binds to port 8080 by default. If there is a conflict, perhaps because another web server is using this port,

  3. Install the servlet Redirector as a web application.

To configure the Apache web server as a proxy

  1. Install the Apache web server.

    You can download binaries from the Apache web site at

  2. Optionally, change the Apache web server port.

    Edit the file %APACHE_HOME%/conf/httpd.conf and change the Port setting to the desired port.

  3. Configure Apache to run as a proxy.

    In %APACHE_HOME%/conf/httpd.conf, add the following two directives:

    LoadModule proxy_module {module-path}/
    LoadModule proxy_connect_module {module-path}/
    LoadModule proxy_http_module {module-path}/

    For example, the path may be modules/ (the default).

  4. Configure Apache to forward Redirector URLs to Tomcat.

    In %APACHE_HOME%/conf/httpd.conf, add the following two directives so that Apache forwards URLs of the form http://localhost/iaredirect/* to the Tomcat 4 Connector listening on port 8080:

    ProxyPass /iaredirect http://localhost:8080/iaredirect

    The port number must match the port number used for Tomcat. If Tomcat and Apache are not running on the same machine, provide the machine name where Tomcat is running instead of localhost.

  5. If you are using HTTPS synchronization, configure your server as follows:

Example of HTTPS Configuration 

Following is an example of how to configure Apache for HTTPS. This example uses Apache's virtual host feature to read HTTPS from port 443 (the default HTTPS port) and HTTP from port 80 at the same time.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/
        Listen 80
        Listen 443
        NameVirtualHost *:443
        <VirtualHost _default_:443>
            ServerName server_name:443
            ErrorLog logs/https_error
            CustomLog logs/https_access common

            SSLEngine on
            SSLCertificateFile rsaserver.crt
            SSLCertificateKeyFile rsaserver.key
Verifying your setup 

To check your configuration

  1. Call the Redirector using the following syntax:

  2. Check the log file to see if the Redirector logged a request.

Contents Index Configuring the servlet Redirector Running MobiLink Outside the Current Session