Contents Index Tutorial: Writing SQL Scripts Using Sybase Central Lesson 1: Creating your databases

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Tutorial: Writing SQL Scripts Using Sybase Central


In this tutorial, you create a consolidated database and a remote database, and write scripts to perform synchronization. You then synchronize the two databases.


The tutorial takes about 50 minutes.

Competencies and experience 

You will require:


The goals for the tutorial are to gain competence and familiarity with the following tasks:

Key concepts 

The key concepts you will learn from this tutorial include:

Suggested background reading 

For more information about Sybase Central, see Tutorial: Managing Databases with Sybase Central.

For more information about synchronization, see Tutorial: Synchronizing Adaptive Server Anywhere Databases.

For more information about synchronization scripts, see Introduction to synchronization scripts.

Contents Index Tutorial: Writing SQL Scripts Using Sybase Central Lesson 1: Creating your databases